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From reporting incidents in a radiation therapy department to enterprise risk management (ERM) based on the European Foundation for Quality Management philosophy (EFQM)




The radiation therapy department (RTD) initiated in2009 a policy of open and transparent reporting ofevents not harming (near incidents) and potentiallyharming patients (incidents and accidents). Thisapproach was immediately followed by theleader’s decision to engage towards the EuropeanFoundation for Quality Management (EFQM) excellencemodel. The EFQM approach structured thejourney of the RTD to enterprise risk management.We intend to demonstrate in the five main fieldsof the EFQM approach (leadership, policy and strategy,people/personnel, partnership and resources,processes), how the journey to continuous improvementin quality and safety did evolve and was acceleratedin RTD. The assessment made by externalevaluators evolved from a minimum of 90 points(basic requirement for level 1 in 2009) to a at least180 points (basic requirement for level 2 in 2011),to reach 400 points in 2013 (270 required forlevel 3 and 450 required for level 4).
机译:放射治疗部门(RTD)于2009年启动了一项政策,即公开,透明地报告不伤害(附近事件)和可能伤害患者(事件和事故)的事件。在领导者决定采用这种方法之后,领导者决定采用欧洲质量管理基金会(EFQM)的卓越模型。 EFQM方法构成了RTD到企业风险管理的旅程。我们打算在EFQM方法的五个主要领域(领导力,政策和策略,人员/人员,伙伴关系和资源,流程)进行演示,以及如何持续改善质量安全性确实得到了发展,并在RTD中得到了加速。外部评估人员的评估从最低90分(2009年为1级的基本要求)发展到至少180分(2011年为2级的基本要求),到2013年达到400分(3级要求270分和450级要求) 4级)。



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